Our filter technology

Läs om vår filterteknik

With the right pressure and heat, during a certain time, that´s how we manufacture our air filters to remove the specific particles and gases your environment demands.

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Our air filters

We can determine the characteristics of our filter material through the combination of time, pressure and heat. First, we add a special fluid to the material we use. Then we treat the material under a certain time with the right amount of microwave heat. When this is done, the material obtains a sticky cell, which increases the absorption capacity of the dangerous particles.

Using microwaves in our manufacturing-process is something that we have developed in collaboration with researchers and environmental experts for several years, and something we are alone in the world to use.

Racoon Miljöfilter AB is certified for the manufacture and sale of filter applications.

Crystal Cleantech is a technology that we have developed at Racoon Miljöfilter AB and use in our manufacturing process. This process gives the filter specific abilities to purify air from certain particles, gases, spores and bacteria.

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Racoon Miljöfilter AB utvecklar ett hållbart miljöfilter!