How it started

Olle Sydlén med mikrovågsugnen som startade det hela.

The family’s microwave was pulled out of the kitchen into the garage in the middle of the night when Olle Sydlén suddenly woke up with a crazy idea. The following morning Olle had revolutionized the air filter industry. 

Olle mikro 700x394 1

Our history

Olle not only managed to improve the absorption capacity of particles and gases, but also the manufacturing process, a process Racoon Miljöfilter AB is the only one in the world to use.

The idea behind Racoon Miljöfilter AB came when Olle Sydlen visited an environmental fair in Birmingham in 1992. There he got the chance to see how Ferrari worked with quality control of the car’s filters. Impressed by how carefully they controlled all filters and their quality, Olle decided to engage in the filter industry and develop air filters which not only purifies the air from particles, but also gases.

Five years of experiment using the family’s microwave in the garage followed, which gave remarkable results. A filter which could withstand vibrations, moisture and cold, that also was very effective against particles and gases was developed. Under the manufacturing process, using microwaves, the filter developed an ability to pick up gases that other manufacturers still can´t do. All this is delivered in one filter element, which is unique. During this period of development, Olle spent six months in one of LKAB’s mines to research filter materials that could handle the most harsh and dangerous environments.

In 1998, Racoon Miljöfilter AB started its manufacturing industry in Skellefteå and supplied filters for trucks, buses and big occupational vehicles.

After moving to Sikeå in 2006, Racoon moved into new renovated premises in Robertsfors 2016 to further develop their air filters. Also the production of the latest innovation started, a mobile water treatment system that can get really contaminated water, for example with petroleum, drinkable.

Today, filters are delivered to all kinds of industries, but the largest part still goes to mining and forestry machinery.

Some of our great clients are:

  • LKAB
  • Boliden
  • Volvo
  • Komatsu
  • Sandvik mining
  • Pon Cat

Fabriken, utveckling och tillverkning

Vårt huvudkontor och fabrik ligger i det lilla samhället Robertsfors, sex mil norr om Umeå i den nordliga delen av Sverige.

2016 flyttade vi in i en nyrenoverad fabrik i Robertsfors utrustad med både ny utrustning och nya maskiner. Allt för att vi ska kunna ta vår filtertillverkning till nya nivåer.

I Robertsfors har vi även all support och försäljning. Tack vare att vi samlar allt på samma ställe kan vi ha god kontroll på hela kedjan och samtidigt vara snabba. Kvalitét och leveranssäkerhet är två ledord vi går efter.

Vi kompromissar aldrig när det handlar om kvalité utan strävar alltid efter att leverera den produkt som just er verksamhet kräver.

Racoon Miljöfilter AB is certified for the manufacture and sale of filter applications according to ISO14001 and ISO9001:2015.

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Racoon Miljöfilter AB utvecklar ett hållbart miljöfilter!