Water purification

Water purification SwedisH2O

Purifying substantial amounts of contaminated water has never been easier. Our invention, SwedisH2O, is a small mobile water treatment plant that can purify very dirty and dangerous water into drinking water, free from pollution, is one of its kind. It's almost too good to be true.

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See our mobile treatment plant

Whether it is about cleaning a contaminated water source, or giving people access to drinking water, our mobile treatment plant is the way forward.

Built into a smaller container, the water treatment plant cleans 3,600 liters of water per hour. Should you need to purify even more water, we build special solutions that filter up to 40,000 liters per hour.

Our treatment plant can handle, among other things:

  • Petroleumproducts
  • Fluorinated environmental toxins
  • Sludge and metals

Still sounds too good to be true?

We have already had our treatment plants in use with exceptional results. For contact or more information, send an email to: info@racoon.se.

In the near future, you will be able to read more about water purification at www.swedish2o.se.

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