On January 1, 2018, we welcomed Kristoffer Sydlén to Racoon Miljöfilter. Kristoffer will be trained and mentored by Olle Sydlén, to be gradually phased in as the company's new CEO. Read Kristoffer's short presentation.

There is no doubt that it is an exciting time ahead for Racoon. Among other things, we are taking the step into Australia, and then looking at the market in Chile and Canada. It feels both fun and challenging.

Racoon fyller även 20 i år. Tittar vi bakåt så har Racoon verkligen befäst sin position på marknaden, något vi är stolta över. Men vi tänker inte nöja oss där. Vi kommer att fortsätta vår utveckling så att vi tillsammans med er uppnår nya fantastiska resultat. De kommande 20 åren kommer bli minst lika händelserika som de vi firar av nu.

Olle Sydlén, my father, will remain in Racoon in the future as well and will act as my practicing mentor during this year. Over time, Olle will focus more on development. The fact that I also have two siblings in Racoon, Charlotta and Victor, makes this even more fun.

As a newcomer to the company, I will not only ensure that we continue to deliver in the same professional manner that Racoon has always done, something that has become Racoon's hallmark. I also want to test new approaches and review what can be improved and developed, small and big things, all to take Racoon further steps forward. It may not always be something you notice, but which is still important for the products and our service. With the talented and dedicated staff working here, I am convinced that we will continue to make great progress.

As a former ombudsman at IF Metall's head office in Stockholm for almost eight years, I have always had the industry close to me. It has given me both knowledge and a good contact network. Before that, I myself worked in industry. It's a combination that will be useful in my new role as CEO of Racoon.

Ombudsman, IF Metall, Stockholm 2011-2017
CD, En Vän Kommuniktion AB, Stockholm 2010-2017
Accredited Engineer, GE Healthcare, Umeå 2005-2009
Verkstadsarbetare, Amersham Biosciences, Umeå 2004-2004
Konsult, Adecco, Umeå 2003-2003

Kommunikation nya medier, Medieinstitutet, Stockholm 2009-2011
Naturvetenskapliga programmet, Jenningsskolan, Robertsfors 1998-2001

Frilansfotograf sporten, Västerbottens Folkblad, Umeå 2009-2010
Hemside- & medieansvarig, Racoon Miljöfilter AB, Robertsfors 1999-2017
Hemside- &medieansvarig, Racoon Racing, Robertsfors 2007-2015

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