Questions and answers
What protects the filter from?
All of which, to date, we have received a request, we have been able to build a filter. Here is a summary of the answers to most of the questions.

The questions and answers of our filters
All of which, to date, we have received a request, we have been able to build a filter.
Among other things, the following gases:
- Ammonia
- CO.
- NO.
- NOx emissions
- Mercury
- Aminogaser
- Radon
- biofuels and much more
Or particulate matter:
- Arsenic
- Mercury
- Lead
- Cyanide
- Uranium
- Diesel
- Asbestos
- Quartz
- bacteria
- viruses, and much more
No other air filter is able to clean both the particles and the gas. They can also not out of cold, hot, wet or dusty environment, an environment with a high probability of staying in. We offer you not only the best in protection against particles, gases in all the tough environments that you could possibly use, our filter is suitable, it is already on your machine, you have to replace it in the same way as in the past. Be sure to keep thee in the right way. Please contact us, and we will tell you how.
The short answer is "yes". The longer answer is that the filter is capable of use in a real-life environment, your environment, any of the other filters don't. Our combined protection against particles, gases, spores, and bacteria, all in one and the same filter is no different. Since the reindeer as well, if not better, than any of the competing filters, so yeah, we're the best. There are, of course, the filter is not in the smaller particles, however, such a filter may be included due to their size, never installed on a machine since they are too big and require a lot of fläktkraft in order to pull it through the air, so it is not possible to compare it with.
The filter is supplied with your machine is capable of, in all probability, not to remove any hazardous substances that you have in your environment. They are able to keep large particles from outside the cabin, such as the dust from the dirt, but more often than not, more than that. If you have already upgraded your filters, so you will surely get a better level of protection, but all too often we are far from sufficient, and protect against dangerous gases, you will not get it at all.
Is your environment and sometimes humid, cold, or hot, maybe it's the move when you are driving. Then have a filter or upgraded to a filter a lot of small options to help you out. Our filters are able to withstand all environments, the reindeer, the best, and to protect you in the cabin, our filters can be used in a real environment, which is the other manufacturer's filters are difficult to manage their testing done in a lab, far away from the actual operation. Moreover, we can combine protection from both particulate and gas in the same filter element, which we are quite alone. The second filtertillverkare can't brag about it. We do not provide a filter in the traditional way. We have our own way to make a filter in which we are the market leader in the industry for 20 years. It is not going on.
If you have ordered a filter adapted for your environment, then the answer is 'yes'. However, you will need to think about how you are managing your cockpit. For example, would you drive with the window open, the front door, or in the dirt, in the cab, or the other elements in your environment that we have not talked about in the past. Well, it does not even our filters are.
We will customize your filter according to your working environment, so that you can be safe from the harmful particles and gases that can be.
Yes, sometimes it can, in fact, be caused by our filters, this may be sufficient, with the filters of your machine will be fitted with or having a filter, no different from any other filtertillverkare. In the vast majority of cases, however, the environment is not as clean as you think. Just take the diesel fumes, for example. There are simply not enough, an original filters. You can always get in touch with us at the Racoon Miljöfilter of your work. We are not going to sell you a filter, you don't get the most use out of.
We want to be, it would be very cheap to manufacture the filter, so that all can have a safe place to work and breathe in the clean air. However, when the second filtertillverkare the use of simple techniques and inexpensive materials, often in the paper, so our manufacturing process is very complex, where we use only the best materials our filters are. A high degree of accuracy, and a lot of laying on of hands is also present for each of the filters has its good qualities.
This is your machine and what is the work environment you're working in a role. Our filters have a variety of properties, depending on the dust particles, bacteria, and sporämnen, and the gases that are to be picked up. In many cases, we can determine what you need from a phone call. In some cases, a report may be required.
Daily, we are breathing in air that contains a variable degree of contamination of the particles. For example, there may be spores or bacteria, to name just two. When you draw in the air, there is the risk that, even the smallest dust particles getting in your lungs, and makes the oxygen uptake of the body. This can lead to infections and reduced lung capacity.
In a coal mine, for example, the common quarter, and ammonia, for forestry, pollen, fur, or in the clean-up, in which the mercury may be present. These are just a few of the many hazardous substances that can be found all around you. For a filter to be able to protect yourself from this, our filters.
Imagine this with a plain coffee filters, where the water is in the air for you to breathe, and bryggkaffet is harmful particles and gases. The water flows through the ground coffee, and the bottom of the pot, stays in the filter and the filter stays the remains of the bryggkaffet, kaffesumpen. You can protect yourself from getting coffee grounds in the cup, with the help of a filter. In the same way the function of an air filter. You keep out, dangerous substances you breathe in.
Sometimes it just clicks. Mr Sydlén had for some time been thinking of how the filters could be improved, because the current does not pass that test. Suddenly, he woke up with a crazy idea that involved the family of the microwave oven. The following day was the business of the air filter, make, and Racoon Miljöfilter AB, I got to see the light of day.
Our filters are made of a foam material that is placed in multiple layers. Each layer is a different, very thick, and also in the cells(holes) in the material have different size. The combination of the multi-layer material, which is given a unique treatment in the form of microwaves during the manufacturing process, providing all of the stock of the specific and unique characteristics. To be added to the special variations of the activated carbon, it all depends on what features you need in a filter. Today, we have a full set of six designs, which are significantly higher than that of your competitors.
Activated charcoal is used when the substances are separated from liquids and gases. It is used in, among other things, the gas, and we use it in our filters.
The filter is designed in order to be able to withstand severe vibration without damage to the test, the Swedish defence materiel administration).
Our filters are able to handle in a press - and-explosionsgrad the whole 9G test, according to the Nato requirement)
The filter material bumps out moisture.
Our filters are designed to meet the Nato requirements for temperatures down to -50 degrees Celsius.
Are you looking for a flame-resistant filters? No problem. We are manufacture of filters, which can meet the requirement ULH 94HF, FMV22302, or the Father of the Parties 25 standard. Good to know that you have our fire safety filters, you can use a cab, which is a protected area where there is a fire.
You can read more about the above, you can handle this, both the brand and the temperatures drop to minus 50 degrees Celsius.
To a finland's classification standard as to how efficient the filter will purify the particles. We have also assumed that the standard of the minimum to the maximum in protection F9. However, where the system relies on the particle size of 0.4 to ME, so this is of even smaller particles, 0.1 to MY.
HEPA is just like the EN779 is a rating system that shows how effective a filter is set. Our filters remove at least as good as that of the HEPA 14, the highest level of the ABSOLUTE, but it is not structured in the same way that traditional HEPA filters, which are the special.
The size of the particles is measured in the MY. MY is also the same as the microns. A micrometer is one-millionth of a metre, or 0,000 001 ft.
'No.' There are far too many of the disadvantages of using a HEPA filter in order to be able to be of interest to you. First of all, can withstand both moisture and heat, very bad, which means that it has been difficult to deal with a variety of environments. Then, as is the build-up, with a folded filter element, directly, not when the particles are collected in the folds, and cut apart the material, which does not give you any form of protection. Moreover, there is no protection against gases.
All that you take with you in the cabin is going to circulate all around you, when you start up your machine. Let the machine cirkulationsfilter cleanliness of the air in the cab of a long period of time. That is why it is important not to take the dangerous substances out of the cab. Open the cabin in the safe zone, and to make sure that you're clean when you get out. The hazardous substances you take with you to disappear again when you close the door.
There are no simple answers to these questions. The environment, and in the number of hours of operation, the level of particulate matter, gases, spores, and bacteria, all affect the amount of time a filter can be used before it needs to be replaced. One of the facilities that we have, our electronic indicator on the PI, which will help you to see where the air flow is impaired, and a filter change is needed.
A filter that is going to tightly shall be deemed to be exhausted. Used to filter, whether it is ours or of any other manufacturer's filters will carefully be wrapped in order to be passed on to a recycling or landfill. Do not attempt in any way to the shake-out of the wash or re-use of an air filter. In addition to that, the properties will be adversely affected and so allows you to free up the most hazardous substances, you are just trying to protect you from.
'No.' Used filters should be gently be replaced. In order to clean the filter degrades dramatically the properties, which means that you're risking your own health if you're re-using it.
Your machine has, for example, a first and a hyttfilter and we will design them to compliment each other and work well together. We advise you to use the two together, then, we are unable to guarantee or be responsible for your work environment, if you decide to use one of the filters of a different brand.
Yes, we do have a custom filter for your vent system for both houses, and other buildings, and the rooms in the hotel. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about it.
Racoon means is not so easy in English. With our filter, which purifies the air, we thought went well with the tvättbjörnens interest, to the cleanliness.
In most cases, you should get in touch with your service provider/machine supplier, as our filters are. You don't have a service contract with an older machine, or questions related to the filter, which is not a machine, you can contact us for further assistance.